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Originated from programming languages ​​such as Python and Golang, rich language features, power IDEs and tools.

Quick Modeling

Schema-centric configuration types and modular abstraction with logic and policy based on Config, Schema, Lambda, Rule.


Configuration stability built on static type system, strong immutablity , and constraints.


High scalability through automatic merge mechanism of isolated config blocks with multiple strategies.

Fast Automation

High performance and gradient automation scheme of CRUD APIs, multilingual SDKs, language plugins for GitOps.

API Affinity

Native support API ecological specifications such as OpenAPI, Kubernetes CRD and KRM spec.

Codify and Manage Your Modern Configuration and Policy

With configs, models, functions and rules

import base.pkg.kusion_models.kube.frontend
server: frontend.Server {
image = "nginx"
-- Config
import base.pkg.kusion_models.kube.frontend
server: frontend.Server {
image = "nginx"
schema Server:
"""Server is the abstraction of Deployment and StatefulSet.
image: str, default is Undefined, required.
Image name. More info:
replicas: int, default is 1, required.
Number of desired pods. This is a pointer to distinguish between explicit zero and not specified. Defaults to 1.
labels: {str:str}, default is Undefined, optional.
Labels is a map of string keys and values that can be used to organize and categorize (scope and select) objects.
image: str
replicas: int = option("replicas") or 1
labels?: {str:str}
-- Schema
schema Server:
"""Server is the abstraction of Deployment and StatefulSet.
image: str, default is Undefined, required.
Image name. More info:
replicas: int, default is 1, required.
Number of desired pods. This is a pointer to distinguish between explicit zero and not specified. Defaults to 1.
labels: {str:str}, default is Undefined, optional.
Labels is a map of string keys and values that can be used to organize and categorize (scope and select) objects.
image: str
replicas: int = option("replicas") or 1
labels?: {str:str}
import base.pkg.kusion_models.kube.frontend
genLocalityLabels = lambda cluster: str, app: str -> {str:str} {
"" = cluster
"" = app
server: frontend.Server {
labels: genLocalityLabels("my-cluster", "nginx")
-- Lambda
import base.pkg.kusion_models.kube.frontend
genLocalityLabels = lambda cluster: str, app: str -> {str:str} {
"" = cluster
"" = app
server: frontend.Server {
labels: genLocalityLabels("my-cluster", "nginx")
import regex
rule ServerRule for Server:
1 <= replicas < 20, "replica should be in range [1, 20)"
regex.match(image, r"^([a-z0-9.:]+).([a-z]+):([a-z0-9]+)/([a-z0-9.]+)/([a-z0-9-_.:]+)$"), "image name should satisfy the `REPOSITORY:TAG` form"
-- Rule
import regex
rule ServerRule for Server:
1 <= replicas < 20, "replica should be in range [1, 20)"
regex.match(image, r"^([a-z0-9.:]+).([a-z]+):([a-z0-9]+)/([a-z0-9.]+)/([a-z0-9-_.:]+)$"), "image name should satisfy the `REPOSITORY:TAG` form"


Start your cloud-native journey with scalable config


Abstract your schema-centric model with static typing


Define and reuse your config and logic through small function fragments


Define your environmental rules to ensure consistency and stability

Trusted By

Ant Group

We are a Cloud Native Computing Foundation sandbox project

CNCF themed imageCNCF themed image

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