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· 2 min read


The KCL team is pleased to announce that KCL v0.4.6-alpha.1 is now available!

You can visit the KCL release page or the KCL website to get KCL binary download link and more detailed release information.

KCL is an open-source, constraint-based record and functional language. KCL improves the writing of numerous complex configurations, such as cloud-native scenarios, through its mature programming language technology and practice. It is dedicated to building better modularity, scalability, and stability around configurations, simpler logic writing, faster automation, and great built-in or API-driven integrations.

Release Content

  • Lexical error recovery including numbers, literal values, parentheses, etc
  • KCL IDE plug-in supports error and warning display, go-to-definition, and other capabilities.
  • Some compiler error reporting improvements
  • KCL Playground supports code sharing capabilities
  • KPT Tool KCL SDK
  • Helm KCL Plugin


  • KPM package management tool release
  • More KCL compiler syntax error recovery supports the release of new IDE plug-ins, with an expected performance improvement of 20 times
  • KCL integration of Kubernetes tools such as Helm and KPT release


For more information, see KCL FAQ.

Additional Resources

Thank all KCL users for their valuable feedback and suggestions during this version release. For more resources, please refer to:

See the community for ways to join us. 👏👏👏

· One min read


The KCL team is pleased to announce that the new playground of KCL v0.4.5 is now available!

KCL is an open-source, constraint-based record and functional language. KCL improves the complexity of writing numerous complex configurations, such as cloud-native scenarios, through its mature programming language technology and practice. It is dedicated to building better modularity, scalability, and stability around configurations, simpler logic writing, faster automation, and great built-in or API-driven integrations.

You can visit the KCL website and click the playground link and play. In this new version, we support the ability to automatically compile and run KCL code, format it, and share code. Welcome to writing and sharing KCL codes.


It is expected that in the middle of April 2023, we will release a new KCL Playground including KCL version selection, reference to Github code, and other capabilities.


For more information, see KCL FAQ.

Additional Resources

Thank all KCL users for their valuable feedback and suggestions during this version release. For more resources, please refer to:

See the community for ways to join us. 👏👏👏