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Version: 0.4.5


The KCL Lint tool supports checking some warning-level defects in KCL code and supports multiple output formats. This document shows how to use the KCL Lint tool.


Project Struct

└── Test
└── kcl.mod
└── .kcllint
└── a.k
└── b.k
└── dir
└── c.k
└── test.k

.kcllint is the configuration file of lint and it is optional. a.k, b.k, c.k and test.k are the kcl file to be checked.


kcl-lint your_config.k


kcl-lint your_config_path

lint configuration file

kcl-lint --config abspath/.kcllint your_config.k


/Users/../test.k:12:1: E0501 line too long (122 > 120 characters)
# line too long, line too long, line too long, line too long, line too long, line too long, line too long, line too long,

/Users/../test.k:14:1: E0413 Import b should be placed at the top of the module
import b

Check total 1 files:
1 E0413: ImportStmt is not at the top of the file
1 E0501: Line too long
KCL Lint: 2 problems

KCL Lint Tool


usage: kcl-lint [-h] [--config file] [file]

positional arguments:
file KCL file path

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--config file KCL lint config path
  • --config: path of .kcllint
  • file: the path of a single *.k file or directory to be checked. Support the absolute path or relative path of the current directory.

Lint Configuration


The priority of Lint's configuration is as follows:

  1. the .kcllint set in CLI Args
  2. the .kcllint under the directory of checked .k file or checked directory
  3. default configuration


The file .kcllint is written in YAML. Its contents include:

  • check_list: kinds of checks, including "import" and "misc"
  • ignore: ignored check items. See the Error Code for optional items.
  • max_line_length: check parameter, that is, the maximum length of code
  • output: output streams and formats, including "stdout""file" and "sarif"
  • output_path: The path of the output file. It is optional, but it is required when the output is set as "file" or "sarif"


check_list: ["import","misc"]
ignore: ["E0501"]
max_line_length: 120
output: ["stdout"]

Default Configuration:

check_list: ["import", "misc"]
ignore": []
max_line_length: 200
output: ["stdout"]

Error Code

  • import_checker
    • E0401: Unable to import.
    • W0401: Reimport.
    • E0406: Module import itself.
    • W0411: Import but unused.
    • E0413: ImportStmt is not at the top of the file
  • misc_checker
    • E0501: Line too long