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Version: 0.5.5


KCL toolchain is a toolset of KCL language, which aims to improve the efficiency of batch migration, writing, compiling and running of KCL.

Main ToolskclProvide support for KCL in coding, compiling and running
kcl-testComing soon
kcl-lintCheck code style for KCL
kcl-docParses the KCL code and generate documents
kcl-fmtFormat the kcl code
kcl-vetValidate data files such as JSON and YAML using KCL
IDE PluginIntelliJ IDEA KCL pluginProvide assistance for KCL in coding and compiling on IntelliJ IDEA
VS Code KCL pluginProvide assistance for KCL in coding and compiling on VS Code

KCL Tool


kcl [OPTIONS] [--] [input]...

[input]... Specify the input files to run

-o, --output <output>
Specify the YAML output file path
-Y, --setting <setting>...
Specify the input setting file
-v, --verbose...
Print test information verbosely
-n, --disable_none
Disable dumping None values
-r, --strict_range_check
Do perform strict numeric range checks
-d, --debug
Run in debug mode (for developers only)
-k, --sort_keys
Sort result keys
-D, --argument <arguments>...
Specify the top-level argument
-S, --path_selector <path_selector>...
Specify the path selector
-O, --overrides <overrides>...
Specify the configuration override path and value
--target <target>
Specify the target type
-E, --external <package_map>...
Mapping of package name and path where the package is located
-h, --help
Print help